CrimeLines™ is an Interactive Timeline Builder
Finally, an interactive timeline tool to help prosecutors (and others in law enforcement) manage large amounts of evidence. For starters, CrimeLines isn’t static or limited to a linear presentation. The application is as robust as it is easy to use.
Crimelines is incredibly flexible. Save out custom views, order them, and create groups of related events. Build a presentation for each witness. Enjoy the freedom of having total control over how you present. Crimelines makes it easier to prosecute cases with complex fact patterns (e.g., homicide investigations, white-collar prosecutions, robberies, and drug investigations).
CrimeLines will help you maximize the impact of your evidence.
Built by Prosecutors for Prosecutors
CrimeLines is designed by Brian Carney, a veteran Boston prosecutor (11 years) and the president of WIN Interactive, Inc.
Working with dozens of prosecutors, investigators, and lawyers over hundreds of cases, we’ve pulled together a set of features to make accessing and presenting evidence quick and easy.
Crimelines is the best interactive time line tool available today.
“WIN Interactive’s presentation helped me to organize my evidence, learn my case, and speed up my trial. I was able to successfully try the homicide case in one day. The next day the jury returned a verdict of guilty! “
Try it for FREE
Don’t just take our word for it, take the software for a spin yourself. We offer a 30-day free full trial of the application. Just click the link and you’ll be up and running in minutes.